Auricular acupressure has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years and is based on the philosophy that the auricle (the outer part of the ear) is a microcosm of the body, and the stimulation of certain points can exert a therapeutic effect on the body in a similar way to acupuncture (but without needles, yay!)
Ear seeds are also a wonderful complement to acupuncture, and can be used to prolong the effects of treatment.
Each kit contains 20 adhesive-backed gold ‘seeds’, which can be applied to the ear with tweezers and remain on the ear for up to five days.
A comprehensive wellness guide is also included, offering detailed instructions on how to get the most out of your seeds, plus ear seed protocols for stress & anxiety, detoxification & cravings, immunity & sleep, and a map of corresponding pain points including:
The kit includes: