• Release Of Liability Policy



    Complementary medicines should be treated with the same caution as prescription medicines.

    Using products self-prescribed can be risky for a range of reasons.

    Avoid the temptation to self-diagnose and self-medicate with supplements and herbs.

    Always consult with your prescribing medical or naturopathic practitioner about any health concerns and tell them about any complementary medicines you are taking or thinking of taking. We recommend you book an appointment before commencing any self-prescribed products. It's important to understand the potential benefits and risks of any therapy, medicine or treatment. The complementary therapy you are considering may be safe and may work for others, but it may not be the best treatment for you.


    Easy access to health information on the internet and social pressure to take responsibility for your own health can lead to self-diagnosis. You may be tempted to self-diagnose and then decide to self-medicate with medicines bought online. This is very risky. Always see your doctor or naturopathic clinicians for treatment advice. Safety issues include:

  • The diagnosis may be wrong,
  • Self-medication may delay your visit to the doctor and may mean you miss out on a proper diagnosis,
  • Without proper medical attention, you may not receive the appropriate treatment for your condition,
  • In the case of serious illness, a delay in medical treatment may cause even more serious issues (such as preventable health effects, greater difficulty, or impossibility in achieving a cure) or even death,
  • The complementary medicine itself may cause health problems. For example, it may have unwanted side effects, change the way prescription medicines work in your body, interact with alcohol and other drugs or treatments, or contain harmful ingredients not shown on the label,
  • If the complementary medicine isn't effective or appropriate, you are wasting your money.
  • Floralia Wellness and its consultants will not take any responsibility for damages caused by products purchased that are not included on your current treatment plan, which is valid for 12 months.

    Last update: 17/03/2025