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  • Functional + Medical Testing

    Functional and medical pathology tests are used to investigate functional, biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status. They balance alternative approaches and assist our clinicians in the diagnosis, treatment and management of your health & fertility.

    Functional testing is available during consultation, if deemed necessary. We have a strong commitment and dedication to an evidence-based medicine approach at Floralia Wellness.

    •  Full Blood Pathology
    • Saliva Hormones - Testing female and male sex hormones
    • Saliva Hormones - Testing adrenal/cortisol hormones
    • Preconception screenings
    • Sperm analysis and DNA fragmentation
    • “Dutch” Hormone profile
    • Thyroid Profile - Comprehensive
    • CDSA - Stool analysis and digestive health
    • Microbiome Mapping
    • Parasite screening stool sample
    • Food intolerance testing
    • Environmental allergen and exposure profile
    • Neuroendocrine Profile - For mood disorders, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, genetic
    • DNA profiling
    • Auto-immune Screening
    • Coeliac pathology screening
    • Hair mineral analysis
    • Heavy metal screening
    • MTHFR gene testing
    • Intestinal permeability testing
    • Organic Acids