Our holistic approach offers safe and effective treatments for use during and after pregnancy. These time-honoured wisdoms of Western and Eastern philosophies, integrative naturopathic principles, medical services, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, pathology testing, and pregnancy + birth education are all tailored to your pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting Heart burn/reflux Anaemia Constipation/ haemorrhoids Fatigue and/ or sleeplessness Carpal tunnel syndrome Cramping and restless legs Pre-eclampsia |
Back, sciatic, rib and other body aches and pains Pelvic instability Fluid retention/ oedema Stretch marks Varicose veins High blood pressure Breech presentation |
Overdue for dates / natural induction Birth preparation Threatened miscarriage Gestational diabetes Thrush/itching Anxiety or depression Small for dates babies Premature labour |
As Naturopaths and parents ourselves, we share our knowledge from a place of knowledge, passion and personal experience, focusing on practical, safe and simple ways to support you through your pregnancy.