We are here to help you conceive a healthy baby and become a well-prepared parent.
Research shows that preconception care has a profound impact on the wellbeing of three future generations…mind-blowing stuff, right?
The idea is simple. We bring you and your partner to optimal reproductive health before conception occurs. Sperm and eggs take around 90 days to mature so, a three-month commitment is what it takes to consciously prepare for your baby.
The practice of preconception health care has been used for thousands of years. The ancient Spartans practiced preconception care more than 2,500 years ago. Ancient Greek doctors recommended that young couples take no alcohol in preparation for conception and during pregnancy. Many traditional societies of today still nourish their young women and men of childbearing age – so why not us?
With a little planning you can maximise the chances of a healthy, intelligent and emotionally balanced child while minimising the heart-breaking risks of fertility problems and complications in pregnancy.
The science of preconception healthcare is known as Epigenetic Medicine.
A fertile and loving foundation is powerful beyond imagination. If you are starting to think about preparing for your baby, we’d love to help you become a parent.
Both partners will require their own individual consultations for preconception care and fertility support. If you’d like to come in together, please ask reception for a “double initial”, otherwise, it’s okay to come in at separate appointment times.
If you are not a couple, we welcome you too. We offer support for singles on their baby journey & fertility preservation.
It takes two to make a baby.
We pride ourselves on taking a thorough, considered and holistic approach, digging deep into the importance of timelines and history to really understand and find the barrier to abundant health and fertility. We work with a multi-system approach to find and address the root cause, empowering you through education around diet and nutrition and coaching for change which all comes together to improve our patient success rate. As such, we require individual consultations with each partner to explore and optimise fertility and your success rates.
We most often refer to a woman’s partner or mate in the masculine for simplicity of writing, however, our intention is inclusive. If your family looks different, we hope you see yourselves in our words. All families are welcome; everyone is welcome at Floralia.