• Tips For Constipated Kids | with Laura Bond

    April 30, 2024 2 min read

    Healthy people have a bowel movement 1-3 times a day. So when children are going less than three times a week, or they have consistently painful or hard stools to pass, they likely have functional constipation.

    So what can help? Try my below top tips:

  • Oats: Swap cereal for a bowl of porridge. This soluble fermentable fibre, improves transit team and increases microbial diversity in the gut . Add a sprinkle of flaxseed and pumpkin seeds to kids porridge to further increase fibre.

  • Kiwi Fruit: Nutrient dense and high in fibre there are several studies showing consuming kiwis can increase motility . Why? Kiwi fruits have been shown to increase water retention in the small bowel and ascending colon and ultimately increase bowel movement frequency. Try one in the lunch box and one after school to get things going.

  • Beetroot: Try it in sandwiches or as part of an after-school platter. It’s packed full of fibre plus phytonutrients to keep us healthy. I often roast a beetroot whole in the oven in the morning, then peel it, slice it and add to lunches.

  • Partially Hyrdolyzed Guar Gum (PHGG): There are many digestive tonics and supplements in our Floralia Apothecary which can help children with constipation. Something I recommend often for both children and adults is PHGG. In one study on children experiencing constipation (aged between four and nine) there was a significant increase in bowel movements when they were given 6g of PHGG daily for 8 weeks.

  • Water: Drinking enough water often gets overlooked – but it is the first question I ask when presented with a child or adult suffering from constipation.

    Looking for one-on-one guidance and support? You can book a one-on-one consultation with Laura here. As well as offering functional medical tests, Laura provides meal plans and recipes as part of her consultation.
    Laura is a qualified Nutritional Therapist who is passionate about pre and post-natal nutrition as well as children’s health. She also loves helping mum’s create meal plans or weaning programmes for fussy eaters as well as tailored diets for those dealing with chronic digestive issues or who are living with or beyond cancer. 

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